Rev. Dr. John J. Costanzo, PhD.
Rector, The American College of KULeuven, Belgium.
Pastor, St. Joseph’s Church. Grand Junction, Colorado.
P.O. Box 246
Grand Junction, COLORADO 81502
(970) 243-0209
December 31, 1996
To whom it may concern:
I am writing on behalf of Dr. Maridel T. Andres whom I have known since 1983, when I began a five-year term as Rector of The American College, Catholic University of Louvain / KULeuven, Belgium (a U.S. Catholic Seminary in Europe).
Doctor Andres became professionally affiliated with The American College in 1986, although she was already counseling some of our students before that time. In the 1986 -1988 years she was hired to teach Pastoral Counseling courses at The American College.
She did an excellent job in preparing future priests for this aspect of their ministry and was very well received.
She also increased the number of students (American seminarians, priests) coming to her as clients.
I have nothing but the highest recommendation for Dr. Andres based upon her work in Louvain / Leuven, Belgium.
On a personal level, I can recommend her highly as a warm, friendly, compassionate, intelligent, and caring human being.
Rev. Dr. John J. Costanzo
Pastor (Retired)
Note. You can see Rev. Dr. John J. Costanzo as Rector of American College in 1980s. He’s from Pueblo, State of Colorado, wearing his (red) baseball cap. It’s because of Fr. John that Dr. Maridel is in Colorado. He invited her to come over some 20 years ago to open a Free Mental Health Clinic and serve as Youth & Family Life Minister in a Catholic Church and Parish community. Dr. Andres is still out serving patients and playing in the beautiful Wild West !
The American College of Catholic University of Louvain
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Belgium ~ Europe
American College Alumni Association of KULeuven
Louvain (English) <> Leuven (Dutch)
G O L D E N M E M O R i E S
U.S. Catholic Seminary in Europe