Prof. Dr. Rev. Raymond F. Collins, STD, DEAN
The Catholic University of America
School of Religious Studies
Washington, D.C. 20046
(202) 319-5683
Office of the Dean
I have known Prof. Dr. Maridel T. Andres, PhD, for over twenty years.
I first met her at The Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, (Katholieke Universitiet Leuven) where she had come to pursue her doctoral studies in both Clinical Psychology and Psychology of Religion – Spirituality. At the time I was Professor in The Faculty of Theology of that university and, later, Chair of its Programs in English. I left Leuven in the summer of 1993 in order to accept my present academic post as Dean of Religious Studies at The Catholic University of America in Washington.
While continuing to work on her doctoral thesis, Prof. Andres had an opportunity to complete a year-long Clinical Psychology Internship at the Lakeshore Institute of Mental Health, a State Psychiatric Hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Dr. Witsaman, Psychology Director, wanted her to remain on its staff, but she was committed to returning to KULeuven, Europe, to complete the ff :
• her written doctoral dissertation, the required Psychology Ph.D. Publication and the traditional PhD Public Oral Defense in Europe;
• Belgian Psychoanalytic Formation – Supervision, and also Certification at The Freud Psychoanalytic Child and Adolescent Center, in England, United Kingdom.
• She was Elected as the First Woman President of the KULeuven International PhD Students Association.
Her PhD Mentor, Prof. Dr. Antoine VERGOTE, is a world-renowned psychoanalyst, theologian, psychologist, philosopher, and prolific author.
Dr. Maridel was awarded a Full Academic Scholarship at KULeuven, by Antoine VERGOTE, a prestigious catholic university in Belgium.
Dr. Maridel returned to KULeuven (Dutch campus) in Europe after her Pre-Doctoral Clinical Psychology Internship at a State Psychiatric Hospital in Tennesee, USA.
During this phase of her life, I had many opportunities to become acquainted with her work. On completion of her PhD in Clinical Psychology and Spirituality, Dr. Maridel taught courses in Pastoral Counseling Psychology and as an In – House Psychologist at The American College (Catholic Seminary) affiliated with The Catholic University of Louvain / KULeuven.
In this capacity as Professor, she had responsibility for lecturing and counseling, but also for making use of various forms of role-playing.
The responses which I heard from our American seminarians, priests, sabbaticals ( Roman Catholic, Anglican, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox ) and those from Europe, Latin American, Africa, Asia, Australia – normally a very critical – intelligent audience, were extremely positive. They valued her ability to communicate, make the material relevant, and to call upon additional resources when and as necessary or useful.
Simultaneously she began a counseling practice on a part-time basis.
From what I have heard, the responses from her clients, students and colleagues, were exceptionally positive.
I was amazed by the informal testimony offered by those who made use of her professional services in Psychology, Spirituality, Health, Wellness and who also readily recommended her to others.
Maridel is a delightful, humble, bright, high achiever, and catalyst.
Over the years she expanded her psychology, teaching, and counseling Private Practice so that it embraced not only seminarians, priests, pastors, but also quite a diverse group of people who came to her for : family counseling, sexual and identity problems, difficulties in relationships, spirituality, school, vocational, and mild – severe psychological disorders.
Dr. Andres’ clients comprised people of different ages, nationalities, religious denominations, politics, and extremely different backgrounds, e.g., CEOs from the corporate world, athletes, diplomatic corps in Europe, students, clergy, religious, atheists, agnostics, homeless, professionals, blue collar workers, prostitutes in the red light districts in Amsterdam, criminal justice system, law enforcement officers, our American military and family, artists, physicians, lawyers, judges, and The Gifted.
Dr. Maridel has served God through the many “Faces” of humanity.
While in Europe she also taught Psychology, Philosophy, Hypnosis and Drug – Alcohol college courses for the Chicago College – Europe and The University of Maryland – European Division, at their sites in Brussels U.S. – N.A.T.O. in Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands; and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE).
While she lived in Europe for many years, she often visited her family of origin in the State of Ohio. Since permanently returning to the United States in the 1990’s after studying and working in Western Europe for more than twenty years, she was the Director of Youth and Family Ministries, St. Michael’s, Colorado; opened a Free Mental Health Clinic; and was also at a Roman Catholic parish in the State of Rhode Island.
Returning to Colorado at the beginning of 1996, she has had a part-time practice, while working with a Roman Catholic Social Service Agency.
Dr. Andres also became the Chief Psychologist, a Colorado Federal Prison; Mental Health Director for the approximately five hundred adult male criminal offenders / inmates as well as Clinical Psychology Supervisor for the prison staff. Anger Management, Problem – Solving, Domestic Violence, Cognitive-Behavioral Programs; did Formal Psychological Diagnosis- Assessments. Director of Psychology in long-term health care facilities, Colorado.
Over the years, both in Europe and in the United States, Professor Andres had conducted a variety of workshops and seminars. I have not had the opportunity to personally attend any of these sessions or course but I have met several individuals who have taken part.
I have heard them commend Maridel for the enthusiasm which she brings, her grasp of the material, her motivational skills, and the keen interest which she takes in her international and American students, college graduate levels.
She leads Spiritual Retreats for the U.S. Military Chaplains – Germany.
In the United States and in Europe, she has made use of her not inconsiderable talents in some positions of Service, doing some Pro Bono counseling, conducting staff training, meditations, retreats, seminars for church and social groups;
Rectora – Cursillo in Europe. She runs the Colorado Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Runs. She enjoys her hobbies as a marathoner or ultra-runner in the Seven Continents, martial arts, plays classical guitar, loves nature, animals, Police Department Victims Advocate Volunteer and noble friendships.
From a variety of conversations that I have had with Maridel during the course of over twenty years, I have come to know a dynamic woman with considerable passion for matters of Justice. The social well-being of the people has always been among her primary commitments and interests. Current concerns for her are our ecology, human and animal welfare are dear to her heart.
In her teaching and her practice of counseling she has to be rated very highly. Her qualities are such that she must be regarded as a “team player”. Maridel is a warm, supportive, and understanding individual who is, however, not disinclined to voice her opinions. Honesty with respect to people and with regard to issues has always been one of her outstanding traits.
Other assets which Dr. Maridel brings are her own personality, the depth and breadth of her personal and professional interests. In this regard, I think that her many years abroad, the time that she has spent both in Europe and in the United States, as well as her extensive travels as a U.S. citizen will serve her well.
As an academician she has published little. As a psychologist, she has effected great changes in the lives of many people from different countries who have had recourse to her Services in Psychology, Holistic Spirituality, and Wellness. She works well with groups and with individuals.
Dr. Maridel has great public speaking skills, compassion, humor, with a positive and playful attitude.
In sum, I strongly recommend Dr. Maridel T. Andres, Inc. to you as a member of your team. She has a thriving Private Practice and is an Active U.S. Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Colorado and Tennessee.
She continues to return often to Europe to lead seminars and retreats.
Should you need any further recommendation, please do not hesitate to write.
2010 Note. Prof. Raymond F. Collins is now actively retired as Dean, Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He continues to write as a prolific New Testament Theology Scholar, and publish theological textbooks. He is invited world-wide to give lectures.
Professor Dr. Rev. Raymond F. Collins, STD
Raymond Francis Collins is a Roman Catholic priest of the Diocese of Providence, and an exegete of the New Testament. Recently retired, he has taught as a professor at a variety of institutions of higher education, including, most prominently Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Catholic University of America. He also served the American College of the Immaculate Conception as its ninth rector.” (Wikipedia)
“Collins was born in Providence, Rhode Island, on 12 May 1935. He completed his primary and secondary education within his home state. He became a seminarian for the diocese of Providence and his bishop, Russell McVinney, sent him for the theological studies at the newly reopened American College of the Immaculate Conception in 1953. At the Catholic University of Leuven, he obtained a Bachelor of Sacred Theology in 1961. In 1962, only a year after completing his license, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, which was entitled The Berith-Notion of the Cairo Damascus Covenant and its Comparison with the New Testament.” (Wikipedia)
Prof. Dr. Antoine VERGOTE Awarded Dr. Maridel T. Andres a Full Academic Scholarship for eight years (8) : The Catholic University of Louvain / KULeuven, Belgium. Scholarship Grant from KULeuven, King and Queen of Belgium.
KULeuven is the world’s oldest (Founded in 1425) and most prestigious catholic university. Ranks among the top 50 universities world-wide.
In the Spirit of Gratitude for the great Scholarship Award, Dr. Andres opened a Free Mental Health Clinic for the Poor as Youth & Family Life Minister / Psychologist : Colorado, USA.
Dr. Maridel continues to Serve The Public Good : Pro Bono Psychology Services __ Volunteer Projects __ and Work in USA Medical / HealthCare Facilities __
Legendary Theologian, Psychoanalyst, Philosopher, Psychologist, Scholar, Prolific Author.
( Video, French Language )
“Antoine Vergote (8 December 1921 – 10 October 2013), also known as Antoon Vergote, (was) a Belgian Roman Catholic priest, theologian, philosopher, psychologist, and psychoanalyst. He (was) an Emeritus Professor at the Catholic University of Leuven.
His extensive publications span multiple disciplines including psychoanalysis, hermeneutics, philosophical anthropology, linguistics, cultural anthropology, theology, and phenomenology.
Vergote has been acclaimed “the most eminent figure in the field of psychology of religion” and “a key figure” in European intellectual movements during the 20th century.” (Wikipedia).
“Antoine Vergote was born on 8 December 1921, in the Belgian city of Courtray in the Flemish province of West Flanders. After receiving his graduate degrees from the University of Louvain in 1954, he continued his education in Paris where he studied with Levi-Strauss, attended the lectures of Merleau-Ponty, and completed his analytic training under the direction of Jacques Lacan.” (Wikipedia)
“Vergote was a former student of the French psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and played an important role introducing psychoanalysis to the University of Leuven. He was the Founder, with Jacques Schotte & Alphonse de Waelhens, of the Belgian School of Psychoanalysis. He has published many articles and books on the relationship between psychoanalysis and faith. He has attempted to refute those who view religion as a neurosis by showing that the tools of psychoanalysis can be used to elicit an experience of compassion and sensitivity capable of revealing truth and of giving meaning to human history as reflected in the life of Jesus of Nazareth.” (Wikipedia)