<<<<< FUN ” Trivia ” >>>>>
What makes me happy ?
Happiness … is like having not one but many
Precious Sparkling Diamonds … with myriads of facets.
Dr. Maridel Enjoys Various Sources of Awe …
is experienced + expressed in : BiG + small Ways _ altruism.
private + public life _ solitude + fellowship _ values _ service.
emotions _ relationships _ activities _ beliefs _ meaning _ prayers.
purpose _ changes & transitions in life _ kindness of strangers.
daily spiritual rituals _ music _ sports _ cultural celebrations _ silence.
steadfast love of friends _ great books _ beauty of nature, animals.
Divine Love / Presence of God _ True Mystic Experience (sans drugs).
World Peace _ Animal Welfare _ have Great + Effective world leaders.
Moments of Enlightenment / Wisdom / Epiphanies / Goodness / Beauty.
it’s more than fleeting pleasures _ Freedom _ Equality _ Fine Health …
“Happiness is a by-product of a life well-lived.” Eleanor Roosevelt.
Inspired by Altiora Peto <> I seek higher things.
Aristotle’s Eudaemonia <> Happiness. The highest human good.
The condition of human flourishing or of living well.
Just the Tip of The Amazing Ice-berg : Happiness ~ My Good Life.
Dr. Maridel Enjoys Various Sources of
Awe __ Joy __ Grace __ Happiness __ Blessings :
Beauty of nature _ warmth of noble friendships _ laughter _ animal welfare _
tennis _ art _ plays classic guitar _ martial arts _ yoga _ ecology _ helping people.
Avid Reader, Books : Greek classical philosophy, world history, cultural anthropology, theology, traditional and holistic medicine, biography of great people, literature, travel, prose & poetry, psychoanalysis, nature, spirituality, wildlife, criminal justice system, law-enforcement, classic films based on books, song writing. Talking with brilliant authors.
Peak Performance in Endurance Sports : Healthy Lifestyle / Nutrition _ Good Sleep _ Rest _ Motivation _ Positive Mind-Set _ Vitality ! _ training world-class athletes _
Teaching Philosophy & Psychology in universities in Europe : Our U.S. Military and The American College Catholic Seminary of KULeuven, Belgium _ Learning. _ Public Speaking _ Facilitating Spiritual Retreats _ Fellowship <> Solitude
Continuing Education Requirements. USA Psychology Doctor Licenses :
Forty (40) Credit Hours of Professional Development activities and courses
every two years. Do more than 40 hours. Useful, fun, and refreshing.
World-Adventures / Ultra Marathons / Races : Seven (7) Continents.
Done (5) : Africa . Asia . North America . Europe . Central America
Bucket – List (2) : Oceana ~ New Zealand / Australia . Antarctica ?!
“Mens sana in corpore sano.” <> A healthy mind in a healthy body.
Enjoyable / Challenging Runs : Mt. Everest, Himalayas _ Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa _African Safari, Hot-Air Balloon Ride / Serengeti Annual Migration _ African Orphanage. Dance with Maasai Warriors: traditional red robes / spears _ Panama, Latin America. The Original Marathon, Athens, GREECE _ Mayor’s Midnight Sun Marathon, ALASKA.
Holy Land Pilgrimage, ISRAEL : Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Sea of Galilee, Wall of Prayer, Garden of Gethsemane, Floating in the Dead Sea, Tomb of Lazarus, Masada, Mount Tabor, etc.
Led by famous New Testament Theologian / Scholar / Author, Prof. Dr. Raymond F. Collins.
Music : German Classical . Italian Opera . American Rock __ Volunteer __ Playing ! Pro Bono Psychology Services __
Love for EUROPE and its Culture & People _
Fond of AFRICA : Beauty of Nature, WildLife, Sanctuary Parks & Conservation.
Belgian Chocolates __ Belgische Frietjes __ races fun + powerful red Corvette.
cheering NASCAR, IndyCar Racing, OLYMPiCS __ beautiful mountains / trails : Colorado.
Magnificent, clear, warm – cool, azure blue … Mediterranean Sea
and delicious cuisines from different mediterranean countries : ancient & rich cultures, many languages, various healthy lifestyles, beautiful marine wildlife, friendly + lively people, great universities, lovely architecture / art / music / literature, diverse religions / spiritualities.
Cared for handsome / smart RescueCats _ meditation _ feeds pretty but hungry Wild Birds.
Deep Appreciation ~ Maridel’s Beloved Mentors : LEONOR, Mother Extraordinaire ! Antoine VERGOTE, PhD Promotor, Legendary Philosopher, Theologian, Psychoanalyst. Early catholic education : elite private schools by German Benedictines and U.S. Jesuits.
Full Academic Scholarship ( 8 years ) : Catholic University of Louvain. Belgium. Europe.
KUL Studies : Clinical Psychology . Spirituality . Theology . Philosophy . Psychoanalysis
First Woman – Elect President : International PHD Students Association.
Trusted + Popular Student Leader. KULeuven.
Opened : Free Mental Health Clinic for the Disadvantaged, State of Colorado.
In Gratitude for the Amazing 8 Year Full Academic Scholarship, KULeuven, Belgium.
Scholarship Awarded by Antoine Vergote, KULeuven, King & Queen of Belgium.
Hikes with gorgeous, super intelligent, athletic, young, loyal, strong but always gentle, champion bloodline, high energy, happy, playful English Cream Golden Retriever. When I grow up, I want to be just like our adorable English Golden Retriever !
Ignatian Spirituality. ” Finding God in All Things.” Spiritual Discernment.
Fun Badass Dream Car : Ferrari Super Fast 812. Rosso Corsa (Racing Red). Writing.
Hanging out with : kind _ bright _ joyful _ noble _ loving _ fun _
humble High Achievers _ with healthy lifestyles and “pure hearts.”
GAZiNG … Meditating, almost daily ….. for many happy years :
at our Magnificent Leuven Town Hall, Belgium ~ EUROPE.
at our Beautiful Colorado National Monument ~ USA.
” just being ” … moments of creative silence …
“Niksen” ( “doing nothing” ) … German. Healthy Dutch Lifestyle.
“Niksen” is not laziness ! <> It’s an Effective Stress Management.
Complements a meaningful, intense & busy lifestyle. Helps prevent burnout.
Balance : Love, Work, Play. Cool Rhythm : Service, Rest, Rejuvenation.
” Tell me … what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life ? “ Mary Oliver.
Some Favorite Quotes
“Life is short. We have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those traveling this dark journey with us. Oh, be swift to love, make haste to be kind.” Henri Frederic Amiel (1821-1881). Swiss Philospher, Critic, Poet.
“The glory of God is a human being fully alive.” St Irenaeus, 130-202 century.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi.
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt.
“A diamond is a piece of coal that made good under pressure.” Anonymous.
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” Goethe.