Current memberships are in BLUE.
1. Catholic University of Louvain Alumni Association.
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven / KULeuven. Belgium.
World’s oldest (Founded in 1425) and most prestigious Catholic university in Europe. Dutch campus. Ranks 45th, top global universities.
2. American College of KULeuven Alumni Association.
Roman Catholic Seminary in Belgium. Europe. Founded in 1857 by Bishops in the U.S.
3. Full Member: American Psychological Association (APA).
Largest scientific and professional organization of Psychologists in the U.S.A. and Canada. Founded in 1892.
4. Member: APA Division 36 : Society for Psychology of Religion & Spirituality
APA website: Division 36 promotes psychological theory, research, and clinical practice to understand the significance of religion and spirituality in people’s lives and in the discipline of psychology. The Society facilitates the interchange of ideas between the science and clinical and applied practice, and seeks through its activities to increase public awareness of psychological dimensions of religion and spirituality. The Society is non-sectarian and does not espouse or endorse any particular religious positions or beliefs. It welcomes psychologists and others from around the world interested in the psychology of religion and spirituality.
5. International Association for Psychology of Religion (IARP)
Website: IARP has European roots. Founded in 1914 in Nurenberg, Germany as Internationale Gesellschaft fur Religionpsychologie. It is an international organization currently based in Europe promoting scientific research and exchange within the field of psychology of religion.
6. Victim Assistance Services
Police and Sheriff Departments. State of Colorado.
Volunteer Mental Health Services to Victims of Abuse and Violence.
Children, Adolescents, Adults, Elderly.
7. State of Colorado Parks & Wild Life Rescue Team
Rescued wildlife animals, big and small.
8. Sierra Conservation Club
One of the oldest (Theodore Roosevelt, Founder. 1892), largest & most influential grassroots environmental organizations in the U.S.A. “ Explore, Enjoy, and Protect The Planet ”.
9. Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Non-profit, marine conservation organization
Founded in 1977, State of Washington.
Uses direct action tactics to protect marine life.
International animal – related alliance and advocacy.
International PhD Scholars Association of
Catholic University of Louvain / Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
KULeuven, Belgium. Europe.
in Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands
12. DIRECTOR, Magnificat Center of Spirituality
English Program, Belgium.
13. Societe Belge de Psychologie
Belgische Vereniging voor Psychologie
14. American Running & Fitness Association
15. Colorado’s Delta County Search & Rescue Team
Helped rescue missing people in the Colorado wilderness.
16. American Kenpo Kung-Fu Martial Arts Association
17. Consistently Elected PRESIDENT : Trusted + Popular.
Student Associations and Governments from High School, University, to Graduate School.
Dr. Maridel has received many Excellent Student Leadership Awards.
Dean’s Student Honor List.
“Your mission in life
is where your deep joy
and the world’s deep hunger meet.”
R. Bolles, What Color is Your Parachute ?