• General Information
• Personalised Services
Counseling, Psychotherapy, Life Coaching
are all useful and enriching but may not be for everyone.
No one size fits it all.
Read “The Winner’s Edge”, written by Dr. Andres.
It’s part of the beauty and challenge of our unique human psyche’s evolving and fascinating “simple complexity”.
It helps to know what your expectations are, basic needs, desires, deep wants, motivations, goals, beliefs, vision, commitment, psychological / social / spiritual / financial resources and degree of personal insights.
Together, you and your Psychology Doctor will identify, create, implement, adapt, revise as needed, your Personal Action Plans.
These human variables are dynamic, intimate, fluid, powerful, inter – connected, and may be modified over time.
It is indeed a distinct and continuous process, an Inner Journey of self-discovery with Significant Others.
For some, a useful and fun Bibliotherapy may be helpful and perhaps sufficient to get you started in achieving your dreams.
Great readings can facilitate inspiration, joy, emotional healings, and initiate baby steps Personal Transformations.
For others, Life Coaching / Counseling may be more relevant and expedient to deal with their deeper desires and values.
The General Client Forms indicate the Philosophy + Praxis of our * HOLISTIC PSYCHOLOGICAL CARE SERVICES.
* Services effectively and joyfully provided by
Active USA Board Licensed Doctor, Psychology
State of Tennessee . State of Colorado
“Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela.