Successful Private Practice / Pro Bono – Europe. 1980-1984; 1986-1993
Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany. Clientele: Ages 02 to 102.
USA Military – Europe. American College (Seminary) of KULeuven, Belgium.
SOLO PRIVATE PRACTICE: Colorado, USA. 1994 – Current
Humanistic – Existential – Psychoanalytic – Psychodynamic – Cognitive/Behavior
Integrated Body – Mind – Spirit – Service to Humanity.
Active and Valid U.S.A. Doctor Licenses, Clinical Psychology
State of Tennessee. Full, Unrestricted, Current: since 1994.
State of Colorado. Full, Unrestricted, Current: since 1998.
State Licenses in Psychology are renewable every two years.
Emergency Mental Health Services. 1998–Current. Multi-disciplinary Team.
CRISIS INTERVENTION: from mild – moderate – severe psychopathology.
Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment, Rehabilitation, End-of-Life. Hospital Privileges:
Crisis Evaluation / Case Management – ER, Critical Care, Acute Care, Birthing Unit.
Counseling / Psychotherapy / Consultations. Since 1998 – Current
- Children. Adolescents. Adults. Seniors. Individuals. Couples. Marriages. Families. Groups. Diverse Communities. Special Needs.
- Effective Management / Eventual Resolution of the acronym D A D A A S : Depression Anxiety Destructive Behaviors Anger Addictions Stress
- Life Transitions. Grief. Pet /Job Loss. Divorce. Fiscal Well-Being. Self-Esteem. Addictions (Food, Sex, Gambling, Alcohol, Drugs). P.T.S.D Relationships. Domestic Violence. Loneliness – Intimacy – Sexuality.
Religious Vocations. Careers. Retirement. The Military Lifestyle.
Executive-Corporate-Staff Training: Effective Leadership. Positive Team Work.
Psychological Testing & PSYCH Diagnostic Evaluation
Intelligence. Personality. Memory. Colorado Social Security Disability.
Executive, Corporate & Staff Training. Clinical Supervision.
Effective Leadership. Positive Team-Building. Win-Win Attitude. Successful Behavior.
- Psychology of Religion & Spirituality: seminars, workshops.
- Integrated Spirituality: Body- Mind- Spirit- Service to Humanity
- Spiritual Retreats & Recollection Day Facilitator:
- For Priests, Pastors, Religious, Theology / Philosophy Seminarians,
- Youth & Family Life Ministers (Catholic, Episcopalian, Ecumenical).
- Meditations Facilitator:
- Christian, Non-Christian. Beauty of Nature. Athletic Bliss.
- Finding Deeper Meaning, Purpose, Love, Joy & Wisdom in Life.
- Spirituality … An Awakening and A living / Lived Relationship
with Self, Others, The World, and The Ultimate (God).
Psychology and Behavior of Health. 1998 – Current.
Motivation. Healthy Weight Loss & Management. Fitness. Vitality !
SPECIALTY: Extremely Diverse Clientele, Cultures, and Demographics
Clinical, counseling, teaching, supervision & consulting experience in USA & Europe in heterogeneous settings: University and U.S. Military – Europe. American Seminary.
Criminal Justice System & Law Enforcement. Hospital: Crisis Evaluation / Case Mgmt. Corporate, Military, Religious LEADERSHIP and STAFF Training, Positive Team-Building.
Healthcare Provider. Long-Term Health Care Facilities.

“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious.
It is the source of all art and science.”
Albert Einstein