Dr. Christian Lauwers, M.D.
Prominent Neuro – Psychiatrist. Belgium.
Community Help Service
Rue St. Georges 102, box 20
1050 Brussels, Belgium
Office: (02) 647.67.80
Help Line (02) 648.40.14
27 December 1997
Dr. Maridel T. Andres, from the State of Colorado, has requested me to provide verification of her past work history in Europe. I have known Dr. Andres as a professional colleague during her long residency in Belgium, Europe.
Aside from being a Professor in Psychology at The University of Maryland – European Division, she worked as a Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist at The American College (U.S. Seminary) of Catholic University of Louvain / KULeuven – Dutch campus and at her own successful Private Practice / Pro Bono in Europe.
In particular, she worked as a Clinical – Counseling Psychologist during the following period:
. 1979-1984. Mental Health Clinical Work for at least 30 hours per week.
. 1984-1985. Pre-Doctoral Psychology Intern. State Psychiatric Hospital, Tennessee.
. 1985-1994. Worked as a Clinical Psychologist for at least 45 hours per week.
Her clientele was largely reflecting the international and American community in Belgium : U.S. Military and their dependents, students and faculty abroad, au pair girls, corporate people, the liberal profession, businessmen, Officials of Multinational Institutions, such as the US – NATO and European Union (EU) in Brussels; members of the European Diplomatic Corps, and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE), Mons.
The caseload involved as well the individuals as their families. The workload included psychological problems and more severe psychopathology. Dr. Andres provided individual counseling, family and group therapy to children, adolescents and adults.
Dr. Andres also supervised M.A. and Ph.D. level students in Psychology. I have served as medical and psychiatric consultant to some of her clients.
I highly recommend Dr. Andres for her excellent teaching and clinical skills, as well as her high class professional standards and achievements.
If you need more information, you are most welcome to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Christian Lauwers, M.D.
Neuro – Psychiatrist, Belgium
Hospital Medical Director
Community Help Service.
Mental Health Association for the English Speaking Community.
Brussels, Belgium. A.S.B.L.
Banque Bruxeiles Lambert 310-180110-79